
Health Savings Accounts

Health Savings Accounts What a great idea! Are you in a health plan with a deductible of $1,300 if single…

7 years ago

Quickbooks Adjusting Accounts Receivable: Writing Off Over Payments and Bad Debts

  Quickbooks  in Adjusting Accounts Receivable If your business uses receivable accounts to track customer payments chances are you have…

7 years ago

Form 8962 and Married Filing Separately

Form 8962 when filing Married Filing Separately (MFS) If your health insurance was obtained through the government exchange and you…

7 years ago

Expensed vs. Capitalized

Repair vs. Capitalized The question is what items can be expensed vs. capitalized? The provisions are as follows. 1. De…

7 years ago

Recapture of Section 1231 ordinary losses

Recapture of Section 1231  ordinary losses A client calls and says he is selling his rental property after owning the…

8 years ago